Black man beaten by Sacramento cop legally crossed street, pedestrian groups say

Pedestrian advocates say a Del Paso Heights man legally crossed the street before a police officer stopped him for jaywalking and repeatedly punched him in the face.

Kirin Kumar, executive director of WalkSacramento, said Nandi Cain Jr. did not break any laws when he crossed Grand Avenue at Cypress Street in Del Paso Heights on April 10, based on the organization’s review of Sacramento Police Department dashcam video.

Without specifically commenting on the Cain incident, a California Office of Traffic Safety spokesman confirmed the group’s explanation of legal pedestrian crossings.

Although Cypress Street does not have a marked crosswalk across Grand Avenue, the path Cain took is legally an “unmarked crosswalk,” Kumar said. The California Vehicle Code defines a legal crosswalk as an intersection of streets where pedestrian access – such as a sidewalk – continues on both sides of the road, he explained.

Cain, a 24-year-old African American, was seen in the video crossing Grand Avenue northbound from one sidewalk to another.

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