“The right to vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool or instrument in a democratic society. We must use it.”
At Sacramento ACT, we believe that voting is an act of faith and a way to fight for our community. With the midterm election day just around the corner (Tuesday November 8), we urge everyone to register and to vote in these important elections. Here are some events and resources related to the election.
Can we count on you to vote? Have you registered yet? Now’s the time!
Check if you are registered to vote: Click Here
We recommend:
Yes on Prop 5 - Would make it easier for local govt. to fund housing that’s affordable
Yes on Measure P - (Sacramento County measure) Would improve school facilities in the San Juan School District
Yes on Measure E - (Sacramento City measure) Would keep libraries open 5 days a week.
No on Prop 36 - Would divert funds from crime victims , schools, and drug treatment programs into California prisons.
Stay informed and make your voice heard! For more details on these recommendations, click the links below.
Let’s make sure every vote counts! #YourVoteMatters #SacramentoVoters #CivicEngagement
Ad Paid for by Pico California Action Fund-No on 36 Yes on 5. Ad Committee's Top Funder: San Francisco Foundation
A message from our statewide PICO CA:
We believe that each and every one of us has an essential right to dignity, human security, and moral justice. We are faithful Californians that encourage our neighbors to vote and take action to make this a reality.
Our mission is to create a California of radical compassion and love, where no one is left out, and where race, religion, age and wealth are not barriers to justice.
We stand for:
• Budget and revenue reform at every level of government
• Housing rights in our communities
• Healing the harm caused by histories of injustice by ending the criminalization of people as the only path to safety
• Investing in the power and leadership of people.
We know there is enough for all of us when we make choices based on our sacred connection to one another and to all Creation. We believe that when we organize our power to vote and engage our neighbors we can create a society that aligns with our moral core - one where precious resources are used to strengthen communities and not as tax breaks, for special interests and wealthy corporations.
California is at a moral crossroad.
The moment is here, so let us reafrm the ght for everyone’s inherent humanity and dignity, and to show that we can belong and thrive .
Join us in prophetic love and power to create the California that we know is possible and that our communities deserve.
Clergy, Faith Leaders, and Elders of the PICO California Network
Previous SacACT Candidate Forums
CA State Assembly District 10 -Eric Guerra and Stephanie Nguyen
CA State Senate District 8- Angelique Ashby and Dave Jones
Sacramento County Supervisor District 5- Jaclyn Moreno and Pat Hume (invited but did not attend)
Sacramento City Unified School District
District Area 1: Tara Jeane & Anna Molander
District Area 2: Leticia Garcia & Jasjit Singh
District Area 6: Darrel Woo & Taylor Kayatta