Tere Flores Onofre
Interim Executive Director
Favorite quote or scripture related to justice:
Micah 6:8
"No, the Lord has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: To do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God."
What called you to ACT?
Growing up in a Catholic immigrant family, I always knew that the world around me was not the way God had intended it to be. My family and I faced many injustices: from being separated from my family when I was 2 years old, to my mom going without preventive health care for nearly 50 years, to being told by my high school counselor that college was not an option for me. My faith calls me to change these systems that oppressed my family and me, and ACT is a vehicle to do that in a multi-faith, multi-racial setting that truly reflects God's beloved community.
Favorite Book:
No Basta La Justicia, Es Necesario El Amor: Compendio de la Catequesis Social de Mons. Romero by Armando Marquez Ochoa
Favorite thing about Sacramento:
Learning that it's the most diverse city in the country.