The Rev. Dr. Mary E. Westfall

Transitional Executive, North Central California Presbytery

Member at Large

Favorite quote or scripture related to justice:

Large sections of Isaiah

Micah 6:8 What does our God require of you but to do justice, love kindness, walk humbly

Matthew 25: 31-40 Truly I tell you, as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me

What does justice mean to you?

Justice is what love looks like in public – Cornell West

The state of wholeness toward which God longs for humanity and all creation.

What is the most powerful thing you have been a part of at ACT?

Bearing witness, publicly, as a voice of faith, speaking truth to power, strategically working to bring positive change alongside those most vulnerable and affected by systemic injustice.

Favorite thing about Sacramento:

Diversity of people, cultures, languages, foods. Close to the ocean, mountains, rivers, lots of outdoor activities.

Who is your justice superhero?

Captain Marvel and Black Panther