Event Registration
The event is free but registration is required
This event is open to the public. Registration will allow you to participate in our Silent Auction which opens up on March 17th and ends on March 24th 8PM.
Silent Auction

Live Auction
Our Live Auction will take place during our program on Thursday, March 24th. Register for an opportunity to bid and win one of these prizes!

Danielle Williams
Diana Campos
HR Dowden & Associates
Jay Schenirer & Bina Lefkovitz
JoAnn Fuller
Rogoff Family
TRD Insurance Marketing
Unite Here Local 49
In 2022, Sacramento ACT (Sac ACT) will host our annual fundraiser. The Event will be virtual. This year our theme will be “The Road To A Better Future.” We expect a large audience representing a wide cross-section of our community: leaders from Sac ACT, faith leaders, elected officials,grant makers and business representatives. With your partnership, we can continue to be a catalyst for change.
For over 30 years, Sac ACT has empowered youth, immigrants,communities of color, homeless residents, and new voters to improve education and health equity for everyone in the region. Since COVID-19,we have weathered many challenges, but continue to inspire and create transformative change in our community. Our recent achievements include a 24-hour Rapid Response Hotline that distributes COVID-19 information to immigrant communities, and securing $50 million dollars in mitigation funds for affordable housing and homelessness initiatives.Sac ACT works with partners and coalitions to help make our community safe and equitable for all.
With that said, I’d love to invite you to celebrate with us. We Hope to see you at our fundraiser and thank you in advance for your partnership.
Gabby Trejo
Executive Director