2019.02.15 SacACT-COLOR005.jpg

Raymond Garcia

Community Organizer


Favorite quote or scripture related to justice: 


“I would rather die on my feet then to live on my knees.”

Emiliano Zapata

What called you to ACT?

I believe things happen for a reason.  After losing 20 years of my life to the unjust, justice system, my work with ACT allows me to fight for equity and liberation!  This is not just a job for me, it is my purpose. I am blessed to not only have found my purpose but to also be living it. I am blessed to have my freedom and it is my duty to advocate and fight for the next person's freedom, especially that of our young people. The most important thing that draws me to ACT is that we are a faith-based organization, grounded in work with everyday people.

ACT staff and leaders are a cool team to work with. I enjoy my coworkers and we bring out the best in each other as we grow together into a powerful team. My goal is to build up our youth to help them find their voice and step into their power as we work towards making systemic change in our communities and breaking down barriers between different races, religions and cultures. I look forward to helping our youth identify our commonalities and the barriers that we face, and to work to break the cycle of injustice and incarceration that is so easily repeated. 

Favorite Book: 

Rain of Gold, Victor Villaseñor 

Favorite thing about Sacramento: 

Its beauty: the trees and rivers and nature.